Exciton Science Summer Tour of UK and Europe

In June 2023, Exciton Science Communications & Media Officer Iain Strachan and Outreach Officer Joshua Ezackial embarked on a transformative three-week journey as representatives of the Centre. They visited seven prestigious universities and the Royal Institution in London, also attending the European Sustainable Energy Week Policy Conference at the European Union. This tour significantly enhanced the Centre's visibility and catalyzed new collaborations.

Their travels were productive, capturing a vast array of high-quality digital media content. This material will greatly enhance Exciton Science's outreach and communication efforts. Iain and Josh also engaged in valuable knowledge exchange and discussions about best practices in science communication and outreach with their counterparts at various leading organizations.

The primary purpose of the trip was to promote Exciton Science, its members, node universities, and partner organizations as attractive collaborators and places of study to peers in the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. This objective was pursued by networking with communications, media, and outreach personnel at prominent British and European universities and research organizations. The team aimed to observe and integrate best practices into Exciton Science's activities. A significant part of the journey focused on content creation through interviews, photography, and filming, enriching the Centre's digital, social media, and annual report content.

At the University of Bayreuth, they conducted interviews and filmed with Associate Investigator (AI) Anna Köhler and alumni Heyou Zhang, participated in a panel discussion, and facilitated social events that generated interest in collaborations with Exciton Science. The Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität visit in Munich included interviews with AI Jochen Feldmann and a tour of the Nano-Institute, culminating in a seminar that showcased the collaborative potential and discussions on best practices in outreach.

The Royal Institution in London, known for its historical significance in science outreach, provided an opportunity for discussions about innovative science communication approaches and the possibility of hosting public lectures associated with Exciton Science. At the University of Oxford, the team conducted interviews and toured the physics department, focusing on ongoing collaborations between Oxford and Centre members.

Each visit and interaction during this tour was strategically aligned with Exciton Science's goals of fostering collaborations, understanding best practices in science communication, and generating valuable content to propel the Centre's outreach initiatives forward. This comprehensive approach ensured that the trip was not only a journey across countries but also a significant stride in enhancing the Centre's footprint and impact in the realm of scientific research and collaboration.

At the University of Cambridge, the visit was marked by interviews and a photography session with Neil Greenham. Dane McCamey delivered a talk to the Greenham group and others at the Cavendish Lab, focusing on Spin and Singlet Fission: Quintet formation and dynamics. Conversations with members of the Greenham group opened avenues for potential postdoctoral opportunities with Centre members. The team also engaged in discussions with Isaac Physics, a UK-wide outreach organization based in Cambridge, and with Rachel Evans about outreach activities relating to luminescent solar concentrators.

The journey then led to KU Leuven, where interviews, filming, and photography sessions with Sam Zaman were conducted. The visit included a meeting with Susana Rocha and a tour of the impressive optics research facilities. A significant highlight was the KU Leuven-Exciton Science joint symposium, featuring introductions from James Hutchison and talks from Trevor Smith & Manoj Sharma.

An additional feature of this leg was attendance at the Sustainable Energy Week Conference at the EU in Brussels, where discussions about policy, investment, and the transition to net zero were prominent. Olga Malinkiewicz of Saule Technologies notably raised the issue of securing mid-stage funding for startups through government programs.

At Eindhoven University of Technology, the team conducted an interview and a photo session with Angèle Reinders and toured the Department of Mechanical Engineering and TU/e. This visit allowed for the presentation of Exciton Science's capabilities and impact to members of Angele’s group. Discussions revolved around Solliance, a solar research partnership based across organizations in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany, with potential collaboration on outreach activities. The possibility of reciprocal exchanges of students and researchers between the Centre and TU/e was also strongly encouraged.

The tour concluded at the University of Rostock, where interviews, filming, and photography with former NanoScience Lab postdoc Klaus Boldt were arranged. A presentation to members of Uni Rostock's physics and chemistry departments highlighted Exciton Science's capabilities and composition. This event took place within Leben, Licht & Materie (Life, Light & Matter), an interdisciplinary faculty at the university, which garnered interest from senior faculty members in collaborating with Exciton Science, including the exchange of researchers. Heyou Zhang from Bayreuth also presented his direct assembly research as part of the Rostock faculty’s regular seminar series.

Throughout this extensive tour, Iain and Joshua succeeded not only in raising the profile of Exciton Science but also in establishing a foundation for ongoing collaboration, knowledge exchange, and outreach. Their engagements with various elite universities and organizations across Europe showcased the Centre’s commitment to fostering international connections, sharing best practices in science communication, and actively contributing to the global scientific community. This tour was a testament to Exciton Science's dedication to advancing its mission and expanding its influence in the realm of scientific research and collaboration.

Each visit and interaction during this tour was strategically aligned with Exciton Science's goals of fostering collaborations, understanding best practices in science communication, and generating valuable content to propel the Centre's outreach initiatives forward.

LEFT: Heyou Zhang (left), Iain Strachan (centre) and Klaus Boldt (right) at the University of Rostock
RIGHT: Heyou Zhang speaking at the University of Rostock

LEFT: Iain Strachan (left), David McMeekin (centre) and Joshua Ezackial (right) at Oxford University
RIGHT: (From left to right) Joshua Ezackial, Iain Strachan, Boer Tan and David McMeekin at the University of Oxford

Kings College, Cambridge University

LEFT: (From left to right) Joshua Ezackial, Samantha Zaman and Iain Strachan at the European Union in Brussels
RIGHT: The Royal Institution, London

LEFT: Jochen Feldmann and Selina Süzeroğlu in Munich
RIGHT: Sam Zaman (left) and Joshua Ezackial (right) in Leuven

Joshua Ezackial (left) and Iain Strachan (right)