Manipulation, detection and use of light through excitonic materials are key concepts that will enable a raft of future technologies.
The overarching mission of this theme is to design and create materials with properties specifically defined for target applications that are relevant to industry. The Centre has worked closely with our core partners in this theme – DSTG (Platform 3.1), RBA (Platform 3.2) and CSIRO (Platform 3.3) – and has achieved significant targets and milestones including: development of new materials for chemical sensing, fabrication of blue-emitting quantum dot light-emitting diodes, while two new materials for document securitisation have been synthesised.
A Grand Challenge goal in this theme is to build an electrically pumped organic polariton laser. Such a low threshold laser has the potential to transform commercial applications of lasers.
Lesly Melendez using a microscope at RMIT University
The goal of this platform is to develop emerging emissive materials, robust strategies and analysis procedures for miniaturising and simplifying luminescence chemical sensors with lower economic cost than existing large laboratory instruments, higher sensitivity than ordinary paper tests and better selectivity than electrochemical detectors.
In partnership with the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), the Centre is in a unique position to develop portable and robust chemical sensors with high sensitivity and specificity.
DSTG is investigating technologies that can be included in such a device, with a particular focus on a photoluminescence-based response system.
We have developed a new device that allows the use of solution chemistry for chemical detection, greatly expanding the variety of probe materials that can be used. In addition to the detection of chemical species, an extension of the project has been devised to detect biological species.
Work in 2023 has focused on two projects:
Manuscripts describing work from both projects are in preparation, with publication due in 2024.
No issues to report.
Industry: DSTG
Exciton Science contributions to the fluorescein aerosol detection and biological agent detection projects will conclude by mid-2024, which coincides with the end of the PhD candidature of the student working on the project and the end of Centre funding.
Australia leads the way in the development of polymer banknote technology. With counterfeiters gaining improved access to lower cost technologies, more sophisticated forgeries are possible.
To maintain confidence in the currency, development of new security features is needed. The most important security features that act as a first line of defence in identifying counterfeits are overt features. These features must be straightforward and intuitive for the public or cash handler to use in helping them identify the banknote is genuine. The security features must be durable, printable, difficult to replicate, and cost-effective.
Platform 3.2 is focused on the development of new overt optical security features for Australian polymer banknotes. The overarching goal is to produce banknote security features that are difficult to counterfeit and simple to verify. Such security features must be able to meet multiple requirements such as cost effectiveness, efficacy, durability, printability, sustainability and public safety.
The machine-readable near infrared ink project progressed well in 2023, where ink scale up and pilot scale trials were performed on banknote production presses. Further optimisation trials, durability and machine transport/functionality performance testing are scheduled for early 2024.
The magnetic nanoparticles ink (MNI) project is aimed at developing an overt security ink using magnetically aligned nanoparticles to produce bright optical effects. Magnetic nanoparticles are being successfully synthesised with highly controlled physical properties, and the potential scaling up of such processes required to meet demand of high-volume banknote production is under investigation.
A new experimental approach for the MNI project commenced during 2023 where an “offline” process is being developed for producing an optically bright magnetic pigment, moving away from incorporating the nanoparticles directly into the base ink. Various methods for producing the pigment are being investigated, along with the optimisation of the nanoparticle synthesis method. Researchers from Monash University have recently began assisting with development of the pigment production process.
Research highlights include:
The primary risks associated with the projects are:
Industry: Reserve Bank of Australia
Our goals for 2024 include:
This platform aims to deliver solutions for future lighting and display technologies by developing materials and devices beyond current efficiency, brightness and stability limits with spectral coverage from the ultraviolet to visible and infrared range.
These next-generation light-emitting devices (LEDs) will open new architectures and applications, such as tunable lasers. For example, we employ a combined theoretical and experimental approach towards the realisation of a stable blue LED, which has been challenging traditionally due to triplet losses and defect emission. We will employ strong light-matter interactions, or polaritons, to achieve improvements over conventional optoelectronics. One such target, an electrically pumped polariton laser, remains a ‘Holy Grail’ in optoelectronics.
In 2023, projects were undertaken to exploit strong light-matter coupling in various photophysical processes, energy transfer and charge transfer dynamics in organic solar cells and photodetectors, and intersystem crossing in thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) molecules.
CIs Lakhwani and Hutchison and AI Gomez published two reviews on polaritonic energy transfer and polaritonic chemistry in ACS Chemical Reviews, a flagship chemistry review journal.
CI Hutchison and AI Gomez began collaborations with Dr James Quach of CSIRO to develop polaritonic LEDs (‘quantum batteries’). Dr Kieran Hymas and Dr Jack Muir were employed by CSIRO from the beginning of 2023 as postdocs to contribute to this work.
PhD student Engin Akinoglu (Hutchison group) worked on mid-infrared photonic structures for strong light-matter interactions, leading to a publication. MSc students Jianfei Yu (graduated in November) and Dali Quan continued work on sustainable and flexible polaritonics respectively. Dr Shi Tang was employed as an Exciton Science Fellow, working on polaritonic and perovskite LEDs. Dr Sam Brooke was also employed as an Exciton Science Fellow to contribute to this platform.
CI Wong supplied TADF compounds to CI Lakhwani for study in optical cavities. Lakhwani and Dr Inseong Cho published a manuscript on this and they (along with Dr Alex Stuart) are also working on a manuscript on transient absorption studies on those compounds.
Wong group students involved in Platform 3.3 in 2023 included:
CI Lakhwani has worked with Tim van der Laan (CSIRO) towards 2D material/chiral plasmonic hybrids and chiral light-emitting devices, Dr Yahui Tang (USyd) has been heavily involved in this work.
CI Mulvaney has been active in the area of nanodrum resonators involving Dr Jialu Li, and in collaboration with James Bullock and Ken Crozier, in the area of MIR photodetectors involving Dr Wei Luo. These activities led to several publications in 2023, the latter project successfully made photodetectors using InSb quantum dots which exhibit tunable photoresponse. The project has now extended to exploring various 2D materials in phototransistors.
Nanodrum resonators have been fabricated using nanometer-thick gold films as the drumheads. The fabrication method is favorable for large-area array manufacture of arbitrary shapes. The drum resonators exhibit fundamental mode vibration frequencies in the MHz regime. We use the stretched-plate model to describe the natural vibrations of the drum.
(Li et al.)
Thin plasmonic coaxial apertures have unique optical properties, including extraordinary light transmission and confinement, that can enhance light–matter interactions and can be applied for sensing applications. Here, we use finite-difference time-domain simulations to investigate the mid-infrared optical response of coaxial aperture arrays, consisting of a combination of disk arrays and perforated films of periodically arranged holes.
(Akinoglu et al.)
The coherent exchange of energy between materials and optical fields leads to strong light–matter interactions and so-called polaritonic states with intriguing properties, halfway between light and matter. This review explores the history and recent acceleration of interest in the application of polaritonic states to molecular properties and processes.
(Hirai et al.)
Research into strong light-matter interactions continues to fascinate, being spurred on by unforeseen and often spectacular experimental observations. Properties that were considered to depend exclusively on material composition have been found to be drastically altered when a material is placed inside a resonant optical cavity.
(Tibben et al.)
Coming into the final year of the Centre, highly experienced research fellows have begun to depart (see for example Dr Will Kendrick). Transfer of knowledge to PhD and MSc students will be important in finalising the goals of Platform 3.3.
International: Prof. Hiroshi Ujii & A/Prof. Kenji Hirai (Uni. of Hokkaido, Japan) with CI Hutchison: Article in press (Chem. Eur. J.) on polaritonic cavities.
Prof. Markus Retsch & Prof. Georg Herink (Bayreuth, Germany), with CI Mulvaney, using quantum dots for probing resonant and propagating THz field excitations.
Local: Dr James Quach, CSIRO Clayton, polaritonic LEDS/quantum batteries, with CI Hutchison
Dr Tim van der Laan, CSIRO Linfield, 2D materials and chiral emitting devices, with CI Lakhwani
By the end of 2024, which also marks the end of the Centre, we hope to extend the impact of strong light-matter coupling via polaritons to a range of light-emitting and energy detection/storage devices. These include polaritonic solar cells, LEDs, photodetectors, and lasers, and taking advantage of polariton-modified intersystem crossing, exciton fission/fusion, valley exciton protection, and more.
We also hope to finalise the successful fabrication of stable blue LEDs based on quantum dots, with full characterisation of their lifetime and spectral properties. This will be allowed by an in-house developed ligand exchange method and in-depth analysis of the electrical properties of LEDs.
Theme 2: Control of Excitons
Achievements - Awards and grants