
Publications KPIs

Performance Measure 2023 Target 2023 Actual
1.a Number of research outputs
Refereed (Peer reviewed) Journal articles 100 107
Books 0 0
Book Chapters 3 2
Contributed Conference Presentations 80 123
Patents and IP disclosures 2 2
Patents Generated 2 3
1.b Number of Joint Publications
Joint publications Internal – Centre Groups 20 33
Joint publications Internal – Platforms 20 24
Joint publications Internal – Nodes 20 29
Joint Publications/Reports External – Industry 5 7
Joint Publications External – International Academic 60 64
Joint Publications External – Australian Academic 60 71

Exciton 2023 publications

Journal Articles

    1. Akinoglu, G. E.; Hutchison, J. A. Tuning Light–Matter Interactions with Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Coaxial Apertures. ACS Applied Optical Materials 2023, 1 (3), 771–778.
    2. Apriliyanto, Y. B.; Nurrosyid, N. Comparative Analysis of Electronic Structures Calculations: A Simple Test Case Set for Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory and Hartree-Fock Methods. Indonesian Journal of Chemical Studies 2023, 2 (2), 54–60.
    3. Ashokan, A.; Han, J.; Hutchison, J. A.; Mulvaney, P. Spectroelectrochemistry of CdSe/CdxZn1–xS Nanoplatelets. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (2), 1247–1254.
    4. Bailey, C. G.; Gillan, L. V.; Lee, M.; Sloane, N.; Liu, X.; Hao, X.; Soufiani, A. M.; McCamey, D. R. Influence of Organic Spacer Cation on Dark Excitons in 2D Perovskites. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 34 (6).
    5. Bailey, C. G.; Nothling, M. D.; Fillbrook, L. L.; Vo, Y.; Beves, J. E.; McCamey, D. R.; Stenzel, M. H. Polydopamine as a Visible‐Light Photosensitiser for Photoinitiated Polymerisation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62 (20).
    6. Balendhran, S.; Taha, M.; Wang, S.; Yan, W.; Higashitarumizu, N.; Wen, D.; Azar, N. S.; Bullock, J.; Mulvaney, P.; Javey, A.; Crozier, K. B. Flexible Vanadium Dioxide Photodetectors for Visible to Longwave Infrared Detection at Room Temperature. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33 (42).
    7. Basso, M.; Colusso, E.; Carraro, C.; Kalha, C.; Riaz, A. A.; Bombardelli, G.; Napolitani, E.; Chen, Y.; Jasieniak, J.; Ratcliff, L. E.; Thakur, P. K.; Lee, T.-L.; Regoutz, A.; Martucci, A. Rapid Laser-Induced Low Temperature Crystallization of Thermochromic VO2 Sol-Gel Thin Films. Applied Surface Science 2023, 631, 157507.
    8. Bowman, G. R.; Cox, S. J.; Dellago, C.; DuBay, K. H.; Eaves, J. D.; Fletcher, D. A.; Frechette, L. B.; Grünwald, M.; Klymko, K.; Ku, J.; Omar, A. K.; Rabani, E.; Reichman, D. R.; Rogers, J. R.; Rosnik, A. M.; Rotskoff, G. M.; Schneider, A. R.; Schwierz, N.; Sivak, D. A.; Vaikuntanathan, S.; Whitelam, S.; Widmer-Cooper, A. Remembering the Work of Phillip L. Geissler: A Coda to His Scientific Trajectory. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 2023, 74 (1), 1–27.
    9. Buriak, J. M.; Akinwande, D.; Artzi, N.; Brinker, C. J.; Burrows, C.; Chan, W. C. W.; Chen, C.; Chen, X.; Chhowalla, M.; Chi, L.; Chueh, W.; Crudden, C. M.; Di Carlo, D.; Glotzer, S. C.; Hersam, M. C.; Ho, D.; Hu, T. Y.; Huang, J.; Javey, A.; Kamat, P. V.; Kim, I.-D.; Kotov, N. A.; Lee, T. R.; Lee, Y. H.; Li, Y.; Liz-Marzán, L. M.; Mulvaney, P.; Narang, P.; Nordlander, P.; Oklu, R.; Parak, W. J.; Rogach, A. L.; Salanne, M.; Samorì, P.; Schaak, R. E.; Schanze, K. S.; Sekitani, T.; Skrabalak, S.; Sood, A. K.; Voets, I. K.; Wang, S.; Wang, S.; Wee, A. T. S.; Ye, J. Best Practices for Using AI When Writing Scientific Manuscripts: Caution, Care, and Consideration: Creative Science Depends on It. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (5), 4091–4093.
    10. Chakraborty, S.; Xu, Y.; Roberts, A.; Goswami, D.; Smith, T. A. An Investigation of Evanescent Wave-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Exploring High Refractive Index Media. Physica Scripta 2022, 98 (1), 015014.
    11. Chen, Z.; Ashokan, A.; Russo, S. P.; Mulvaney, P. Temperature Dependence of the CdS Bandgap in the Extreme Confinement Regime. Nano Letters 2023, 23 (20), 9287–9294.
    12. Chen, Z.; Beimborn, J. C.; Kirkwood, N.; Russo, S. P.; Weber, J. M.; Mulvaney, P. Size-Dependent Response of CdSe Quantum Dots to Hydrostatic Pressure. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127 (18), 8657–8669.
    13. Chen, Z.; Manian, A.; Dong, Y.; Russo, S. P.; Mulvaney, P. Ligand and Solvent Effects on the Absorption Spectra of CdS Magic-Sized Clusters. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2023, 158 (17).
    14. Cho, I.; Kendrick, W. J.; Stuart, A. N.; Ramkissoon, P.; Ghiggino, K. P.; Wong, W. W. H.; Lakhwani, G. Multi-Resonance TADF in Optical Cavities: Suppressing Excimer Emission through Efficient Energy Transfer to the Lower Polariton States. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2023, 11 (41), 14448–14455.
    15. Collins, M. I.; Campaioli, F.; Tayebjee, M. J. Y.; Cole, J. H.; McCamey, D. R. Quintet Formation, Exchange Fluctuations, and the Role of Stochastic Resonance in Singlet Fission. Communications Physics 2023, 6 (1).
    16. Dal Compare, L.; Romano, F.; Wood, J. A.; Widmer-Cooper, A.; Giacometti, A. Janus Helices: From Fully Attractive to Hard Helices. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2023, 159 (17).
    17. de Clercq, D. M.; Yang, J.; Hanif, M.; Alves, J.; Feng, J.; Nielsen, M. P.; Kalantar-Zadeh, K.; Schmidt, T. W. Exciton Dissociation, Charge Transfer, and Exciton Trapping at the MoS2/Organic Semiconductor Interface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127 (23), 11260–11267.
    18. Du, H.-Q.; Jiang, Y.; Rothmann, M. U.; Bach, U.; Cheng, Y.-B.; Li, W. Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites: Advances, Challenges, and Prospects. Applied Physics Reviews 2023, 10 (2).
    19. Elbourne, A.; Dupont, M.; Kariuki, R.; Meftahi, N.; Daeneke, T.; Greaves, T. L.; McConville, C. F.; Bryant, G.; Bryant, S. J.; Besford, Q. A.; Christofferson, A. J. Mapping the Three‐Dimensional Nanostructure of the Ionic Liquid–Solid Interface Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2023, 10 (7).
    20. Feng, J.; Alves, J.; de Clercq, D. M.; Schmidt, T. W. Photochemical Upconversion. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 2023, 74 (1), 145–168.
    21. Feng, J.; Hosseinabadi, P.; de Clercq, D.; Nielsen, M.; Brett, M.; Prasad, S.; Farahani, A.; Li, H.; Sanders, S.; Beves, J.; Ekins-Daukes, N.; Cole, J.; Thordarson, P.; Tayebjee, M.; Schmidt, T. Observation of an Emissive Intermediate in a Liquid Singlet Fission and Triplet Fusion System at Room Temperature. 2023.
    22. Forecast, R.; Campaioli, F.; Cole, J. H. Magnetic Field Effects in Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Upconversion: Revisiting Atkins and Evans’ Theory. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2023, 19 (21), 7816–7824.
    23. Forecast, R.; Campaioli, F.; Schmidt, T. W.; Cole, J. H. Photochemical Upconversion in Solution: The Role of Oxygen and Magnetic Field Response. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2023, 127 (7), 1794–1800.
    24. Forecast, R.; Gholizadeh, E. M.; Prasad, S. K. K.; Blacket, S.; Tapping, P. C.; McCamey, D. R.; Tayebjee, M. J. Y.; Huang, D. M.; Cole, J. H.; Schmidt, T. W. Power Dependence of the Magnetic Field Effect on Triplet Fusion: A Quantitative Model. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023, 14 (20), 4742–4747.
    25. Fortuni, B.; Ricci, M.; Vitale, R.; Inose, T.; Zhang, Q.; Hutchison, J. A.; Hirai, K.; Fujita, Y.; Toyouchi, S.; Krzyzowska, S.; Van Zundert, I.; Rocha, S.; Uji-i, H. SERS Endoscopy for Monitoring Intracellular Drug Dynamics. ACS Sensors 2023, 8 (6), 2340–2347.
    26. Frazer, L.; Han, J.; Kirkwood, N.; Funston, A. M. Blinking of CdSe/Cd.33Zn.67S Semiconductor Nanoplatelets. Journal of the Optical Society of America B 2023, 40 (6), 1550.
    27. Fu, J.; Jiang, H.; Nie, C.; Sun, F.; Tang, L.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.; Xiong, W.; Yang, J.; Li, X.; Zhou, D.; Shen, J.; Feng, S.; Shi, H.; Mulvaney, P.; Wei, X. Polarity-Tunable Field Effect Phototransistors. Nano Letters 2023, 23 (11), 4923–4930.
    28. Fürer, S. O.; Rietwyk, K. J.; Pulvirenti, F.; McMeekin, D. P.; Surmiak, M. A.; Raga, S. R.; Mao, W.; Lin, X.; Hora, Y.; Wang, J.; Shi, Y.; Barlow, S.; Ginger, D. S.; Marder, S. R.; Bach, U. Naphthalene-Imide Self-Assembled Monolayers as a Surface Modification of ITO for Improved Thermal Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2023, 6 (2), 667–677.
    29. Gao, C.; Shukla, A.; Gao, H.; Miao, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, P.; Luo, G.; Zeng, Y.; Wong, W. W. H.; Smith, T. A.; Lo, S.; Hu, W.; Namdas, E. B.; Dong, H. Harvesting Triplet Excitons in High Mobility Emissive Organic Semiconductor for Efficiency Enhancement of Light‐Emitting Transistors. Advanced Materials 2023, 35 (13).
    30. Geng, R.; Mena, A.; Pappas, W. J.; McCamey, D. R. Sub-Micron Spin-Based Magnetic Field Imaging with an Organic Light Emitting Diode. Nature Communications 2023, 14 (1).
    31. Goldingay, A.; Stuart, A. N.; Ghosh, P.; Yadav, S.; Gangadharappa, C.; Patil, S.; Rao, A.; Lakhwani, G. Quantifying Dual-Direction Energy Harvesting in Twisted Perylene Nonfullerene Acceptor Organic Photovoltaics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127 (51), 24598–24607.
    32. Guo, Q.; Zhang, T.; Li, W.; Li, W.; Tan, W. L.; McMeekin, D.; Xu, Z.; Fang, X.-Y.; McNeill, C. R.; Etheridge, J.; Bach, U. Toward Uniaxially Textured CsPbIBr2 Perovskite Thin Films with Twin Domains by Potassium Incorporation. ACS Energy Letters 2022, 8 (1), 699–706.
    33. Guo, X.; Nguyen, C. K.; Syed, N.; Ravindran, A.; Islam, M. A.; Filleter, T.; Cao, K.; Wang, Y.; Mazumder, A.; Xu, C.; Walia, S.; Ghasemian, M. B.; Kalantar‐Zadeh, K.; Scholten, S. C.; Robertson, I. O.; Healey, A. J.; Tetienne, J.; Lu, T.; Liu, Y.; Elbourne, A.; Daeneke, T.; Holland, A.; Russo, S. P.; Li, Y.; Zavabeti, A. Multi‐Functional Atomically Thin Oxides from Bismuth Liquid Metal. Advanced Functional Materials 2023.
    34. Hall, L. A.; D’Alessandro, D. M.; Lakhwani, G. Chiral Metal–Organic Frameworks for Photonics. Chemical Society Reviews 2023, 52 (10), 3567–3590.
    35. Hargreaves, R. B.; Duwé, S.; Rozario, A. M.; Funston, A. M.; Tabor, R. F.; Dedecker, P.; Whelan, D. R.; Bell, T. D. M. Live-Cell SOFI Correlation with SMLM and AFM Imaging. ACS Bio & Med Chem Au 2023, 3 (3), 261–269.
    36. Hasan, M. R.; Niebuur, B.-J.; Siebrecht, M.; Kuttich, B.; Schweins, R.; Widmer-Cooper, A.; Kraus, T. The Colloidal Stability of Apolar Nanoparticles in Solvent Mixtures. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (10), 9302–9312.
    37. He, G.; Parenti, K. R.; Budden, P. J.; Niklas, J.; Macdonald, T.; Kumarasamy, E.; Chen, X.; Yin, X.; McCamey, D. R.; Poluektov, O. G.; Campos, L. M.; Sfeir, M. Y. Unraveling Triplet Formation Mechanisms in Acenothiophene Chromophores. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023, 145 (40), 22058–22068.
    38. Hirai, K.; Hutchison, J. A.; Uji-i, H. Molecular Chemistry in Cavity Strong Coupling. Chemical Reviews 2023, 123 (13), 8099–8126.
    39. Hua, C.; Connell, T. U. Controlling Emission Energy in Metal–Organic Frameworks Featuring Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Linkers. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2023, 76 (10), 686–695.
    40. Hudson, R. J.; Manian, A.; Hall, C. R.; Schmidt, T. W.; Russo, S. P.; Ghiggino, K. P.; Smith, T. A. Quantifying the Relaxation Dynamics of Higher Electronic Excited States in Perylene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023, 14 (36), 8000–8008.
    41. Ishwara, T.; Feng, J.; de Clercq, D. M.; Geng, R.; Alves, J.; McCamey, D. R.; Nielsen, Michael. P.; Schmidt, T. W. Nanoporous Solid-State Sensitization of Triplet Fusion Upconversion. ACS Energy Letters 2023, 8 (10), 4078–4084.
    42. İzmir, M.; Durmusoglu, E. G.; Sharma, M.; Shabani, F.; Isik, F.; Delikanli, S.; Sharma, V. K.; Demir, H. V. Near-Infrared Emission from CdSe-Based Nanoplatelets Induced by Ytterbium Doping. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127 (8), 4210–4217.
    43. Jain, S. K.; Syed, N.; Balendhran, S.; Abbas, S. A. T.; Ako, R. T.; Low, M. X.; Lobo, C.; Zavabeti, A.; Murdoch, B. J.; Gupta, G.; Bhaskaran, M.; Crozier, K. B.; Russo, S. P.; Daeneke, T.; Walia, S. Atomically Thin Gallium Nitride for High‐Performance Photodetection. Advanced Optical Materials 2023, 11 (15).
    44. Ji, Y.; Chen, W.; Yan, D.; Bullock, J.; Xu, Y.; Su, Z.; Yang, W.; Laird, J. S.; Zheng, T.; Wu, N.; Zha, W.; Luo, Q.; Ma, C.; Smith, T. A.; Liu, F.; Mulvaney, P. An ITO‐Free Kesterite Solar Cell. Small 2023, 20 (6).
    45. Ji, Y.; Liu, F. Single-Phase Evolution Path to New Record Efficiency of Kesterite Solar Cells. Science China Chemistry 2023, 67 (2), 420–421.
    46. Ji, Y.; Zhao, X.; Pan, Y.; Su, Z.; Lin, J.; Akinoglu, E. M.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, H.; Zhao, P.; Dong, Y.; Wei, X.; Liu, F.; Mulvaney, P. CuSCN Modified Back Contacts for High Performance CZTSSe Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33 (11).
    47. Kalčec, N.; Peranić, N.; Mamić, I.; Beus, M.; Hall, C. R.; Smith, T. A.; Sani, M. A.; Turčić, P.; Separovic, F.; Vinković Vrček, I. Selenium Nanoparticles as Potential Drug-Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2023, 6 (19), 17581–17592.
    48. Kaur, M.; Sharma, A.; Erdem, O.; Kumar, A.; Demir, H. V.; Sharma, M. Understanding the Suitable Alloying Conditions for Highly Efficient Cu- and Mn-Doped Zn1-xCdxS/ZnS Core-Shell Quantum Dots. Optical Materials 2023, 145, 114471.
    49. Li, J.; Dyer, A.; Smith, D.; Mulvaney, P. Gold Nanodrum Resonators. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (20), 20551–20559.
    50. Li, R.; Liu, M.; Matta, S. K.; Almasri, A.; Tian, J.; Wang, H.; Pasanen, H. P.; Russo, S. P.; Vivo, P.; Zhang, H. Twisted or Planar? Side‐Chain Tailoring of Fluorene‐Based Hole‐Transport Materials for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL 2023, 7 (18).
    51. Li, R.; Zhang, J.; Liu, M.; Matta, S. K.; Tian, J.; Deng, Z.; Russo, S. P.; Vivo, P.; Zhou, Z.; Zhang, H. Synergistic Fluorine⋅⋅⋅Sulfur Intra‐ and Intermolecular Interactions on Dopant‐Free Hole Transport Material for Efficient and Stable Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL 2023, 7 (9).
    52. Li, W.; Tong, W.; Etheridge, J.; Funston, A. M. Copper Assisted Symmetry and Size Control of Gold Nanobars. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2023, 11 (17), 5770–5778.
    53. Li, X.; Mai, H.; Lu, J.; Wen, X.; Le, T. C.; Russo, S. P.; Winkler, D. A.; Chen, D.; Caruso, R. A. Rational Atom Substitution to Obtain Efficient, Lead‐Free Photocatalytic Perovskites Assisted by Machine Learning and DFT Calculations. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62 (52).
    54. Li, Y.; Lakhwani, G. Distributed Feedback Lasers up to the 400th Bragg Order with an Organic Active Layer. Applied Physics Letters 2023, 122 (2).
    55. Lisi, F.; Sawayama, J.; Gautam, S.; Rubanov, S.; Duan, X.; Kirkwood, N. Re-Examination of the Polymer Encapsulation of Quantum Dots for Biological Applications. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2023, 6 (5), 4046–4055.
    56. Liu, A. C. Y.; Davis, T. J.; Coenen, T.; Hari, S.; Voortman, L. M.; Xu, Z.; Yuan, G.; Ballard, P. M.; Funston, A. M.; Etheridge, J. Modulation of Cathodoluminescence by Surface Plasmons in Silver Nanowires. Small 2023, 19 (33).
    57. Liz-Marzán, L. M.; Artzi, N.; Bals, S.; Buriak, J. M.; Chan, W. C. W.; Chen, X.; Hersam, M. C.; Kim, I.-D.; Millstone, J. E.; Mulvaney, P.; Parak, W. J.; Rogach, A.; Schaak, R. E. Celebrating a Nobel Prize to the “Discovery of Quantum Dots, an Essential Milestone in Nanoscience.” ACS Nano 2023, 17 (20), 19474–19475.
    58. M, S. K.; Du, A.; Russo, S. P. Charge Transport in Perovskite Solar Cells – a Material Interface Study of Transition Metal Chalcogenides with MAPbX3. 2023.
    59. MacDonald, T. S. C.; Tayebjee, M. J. Y.; Collins, M. I.; Kumarasamy, E.; Sanders, S. N.; Sfeir, M. Y.; Campos, L. M.; McCamey, D. R. Anisotropic Multiexciton Quintet and Triplet Dynamics in Singlet Fission via Pulsed Electron Spin Resonance. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023, 145 (28), 15275–15283.
    60. Mai, H.; Li, X.; Lu, J.; Wen, X.; Le, T. C.; Russo, S. P.; Chen, D.; Caruso, R. A. Synthesis of Layered Lead-Free Perovskite Nanocrystals with Precise Size and Shape Control and Their Photocatalytic Activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023, 145 (31), 17337–17350.
    61. Manian, A.; Campaioli, F.; Hudson, R. J.; Cole, J. H.; Schmidt, T. W.; Lyskov, I.; Smith, T. A.; Russo, S. P. Charge Transfer-Mediated Multi-Exciton Mechanisms in Weakly Coupled Perylene Dimers. Chemistry of Materials 2023, 35 (17), 6889–6908.
    62. Manian, A.; Hudson, R. J.; Ramkissoon, P.; Smith, T. A.; Russo, S. P. Interexcited State Photophysics I: Benchmarking Density Functionals for Computing Nonadiabatic Couplings and Internal Conversion Rate Constants. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2022, 19 (1), 271–292.
    63. Matta, S. K.; Liao, T.; Russo, S. P. New Janus Structure Photocatalyst Having Widely Tunable Electronic and Optical Properties with Strain Engineering. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2023, 155, 142–147.
    64. Mazumder, A.; Nguyen, C. K.; Aung, T.; Low, M. X.; Rahman, Md. A.; Russo, S. P.; Tawfik, S. A.; Wang, S.; Bullock, J.; Krishnamurthi, V.; Syed, N.; Ranjan, A.; Zavabeti, A.; Abidi, I. H.; Guo, X.; Li, Y.; Ahmed, T.; Daeneke, T.; Al‐Hourani, A.; Balendhran, S.; Walia, S. Long Duration Persistent Photocurrent in 3 Nm Thin Doped Indium Oxide for Integrated Light Sensing and In‐Sensor Neuromorphic Computation. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33 (36).
    65. McMeekin, D. P.; Holzhey, P.; Fürer, S. O.; Harvey, S. P.; Schelhas, L. T.; Ball, J. M.; Mahesh, S.; Seo, S.; Hawkins, N.; Lu, J.; Johnston, M. B.; Berry, J. J.; Bach, U.; Snaith, H. J. Intermediate-Phase Engineering via Dimethylammonium Cation Additive for Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. Nature Materials 2022, 22 (1), 73–83.
    66. Meftahi, N.; Surmiak, M. A.; Fürer, S. O.; Rietwyk, K. J.; Lu, J.; Raga, S. R.; Evans, C.; Michalska, M.; Deng, H.; McMeekin, D. P.; Alan, T.; Vak, D.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Christofferson, A. J.; Winkler, D. A.; Bach, U.; Russo, S. P. Machine Learning Enhanced High‐Throughput Fabrication and Optimization of Quasi‐2D Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 2023, 13 (38).
    67. Mena, A.; Geng, R.; Pappas, W. J.; Maasoumi, F.; McCamey, D. R. Inter‐ and Intra‐Device Variation and Correlation of Hyperfine Interactions in Micron‐Scale Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes. Advanced Sensor Research 2023.
    68. Mussakhanuly, N.; Soufiani, A. M.; Bernardi, S.; Gan, J.; Bhattacharyya, S. K.; Chin, R. L.; Muhammad, H.; Dubajic, M.; Gentle, A.; Chen, W.; Zhang, M.; Nielsen, M. P.; Huang, S.; Asbury, J.; Widmer‐Cooper, A.; Yun, J. S.; Hao, X. Thermal Disorder‐Induced Strain and Carrier Localization Activate Reverse Halide Segregation. Advanced Materials 2023.
    69. Nathanael, J. G.; Yuan, B.; Hall, C. R.; Smith, T. A.; Wille, U. Damage of Amino Acids by Aliphatic Peroxyl Radicals: A Kinetic and Computational Study. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2023, 21 (11), 2390–2397.
    70. Ospina-Rozo, L.; Priscilla, N.; Hutchison, J. A.; van de Meene, A.; Roberts, N. W.; Stuart-Fox, D.; Roberts, A. Deconstructed Beetles: Bilayered Composite Materials Produce Green Coloration with Remarkably High near-Infrared Reflectance. Materials Today Advances 2023, 18, 100363.
    71. Othman, M.; Zhang, T.; McMeekin, D. P.; Fürer, S. O.; Mao, W.; Li, W.; Scully, A. D.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Nakashima, P. N. H.; Bach, U.; Etheridge, J. Structural and Photophysical Properties of Guanidinium–Iodide‐Treated Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL 2022, 7 (1).
    72. Owyong, T. C.; O’Shea, R.; Lee, M.; White, J. M.; Donnelly, P. S.; Hinde, E.; Wong, W. W. H.; Hong, Y. A General Fluorescence-Based Method for Quantifying and Mapping Biomolecular Polarity In Vitro and In Cells. 2023.
    73. Pal, R.; Sikder, A. K.; Saito, K.; Funston, A. M.; Bellare, J. R. Study of Polycarbonate–Polystyrene Interfaces Using Scanning Transmission Electron <scp>microscopy Spectrum</Scp> Imaging (<scp>STEM‐SI</Scp>). Polymer International 2022, 72 (1), 106–112.
    74. Pervin, R.; Manian, A.; Chen, Z.; Christofferson, A. J.; Owyong, T. C.; Bradley, S. J.; White, J. M.; Ghiggino, K. P.; Russo, S. P.; Wong, W. W. H. Medium Effects on the Fluorescence of Imide-Substituted Naphthalene Diimides. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2023, 436, 114364.
    75. Rao, N. R. H.; Chu, X.; Hadinoto, K.; Angelina; Zhou, R.; Zhang, T.; Soltani, B.; Bailey, C. G.; Trujillo, F. J.; Leslie, G. L.; Prescott, S. W.; Cullen, P. J.; Henderson, R. K. Algal Cell Inactivation and Damage via Cold Plasma-Activated Bubbles: Mechanistic Insights and Process Benefits. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 454, 140304.
    76. Rietwyk, K. J.; Lin, X.; Tan, B.; Warnakula, T.; Holzhey, P.; Zhao, B.; Deng, S.; Surmiak, M. A.; Jasieniak, J.; Bach, U. Ideality Factor Mapping of Back‐Contact Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 2023, 13 (9).
    77. Rizzuto, F. J.; Pal, S. C.; Kearns, E. R.; Hua, C.; Solomon, M. B.; Doheny, P. W.; Faust, T. B.; Kepert, C. J.; Das, M. C.; D’Alessandro, D. M. The Physical and Electronic Properties of Metal–Organic Frameworks Containing Dipyridylthiazolo[5,4-d]Thiazole. CrystEngComm 2023, 25 (46), 6434–6440.
    78. Roa, S.; Akinoglu, G. E.; Pedano, M. L. Electric Field Enhancement in Au and Ag Nanodisks-Based Photonic Crystals: Relevant Design Insights for Efficient SERS Substrates. Surfaces and Interfaces 2023, 39, 102948.
    79. Seibt, S.; Pearson, J.; Nixon-Luke, R.; Zhang, H.; Lang, P. R.; Bryant, G.; Cölfen, H.; Mulvaney, P. Size, Diffusion, and Sedimentation of Gold Nanorods. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127 (45), 22336–22346.
    80. Shabbir, B.; Yu, J. C.; Warnakula, T.; Ayyubi, R. A. W.; Pollock, J. A.; Hossain, M. M.; Kim, J.; Macadam, N.; Ng, Leonard. W. T.; Hasan, T.; Vak, D.; Kitchen, M. J.; Jasieniak, J. J. Printable Perovskite Diodes for Broad‐Spectrum Multienergy X‐Ray Detection. Advanced Materials 2023, 35 (20).
    81. Shen, S.; Feng, H.; Deng, Y.; Xie, S.; Yi, Z.; Jin, M.; Zhou, G.; Mulvaney, P.; Shui, L. A Reflective Display Based on the Electro-Microfluidic Assembly of Particles within Suppressed Water-in-Oil Droplet Array. Light: Science &amp; Applications 2023, 12 (1).
    82. Shen, X.; Gallant, B. M.; Holzhey, P.; Smith, J. A.; Elmestekawy, K. A.; Yuan, Z.; Rathnayake, P. V. G. M.; Bernardi, S.; Dasgupta, A.; Kasparavicius, E.; Malinauskas, T.; Caprioglio, P.; Shargaieva, O.; Lin, Y.; McCarthy, M. M.; Unger, E.; Getautis, V.; Widmer‐Cooper, A.; Herz, L. M.; Snaith, H. J. Chloride‐Based Additive Engineering for Efficient and Stable Wide‐Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Materials 2023, 35 (30).
    83. Silva, M. O.; Kirkwood, N.; Mulvaney, P.; Ellis, A. V.; Stok, K. S. Evaluation of a Lanthanide Nanoparticle‐based Contrast Agent for Microcomputed Tomography of Porous Channels in Subchondral Bone. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2022, 41 (2), 447–458.
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    93. Tran, K.; Tawfik, S. A.; Spencer, M. J. S. Electromechanical Response of Group-IV Monochalcogenide Monolayers. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2023, 11 (2), 666–675.
    94. Wang, C.; Matta, S. K.; Ng, C. K.; Cao, C.; Sharma, M.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Russo, S. P.; Jasieniak, J. J. Direct Synthesis of CsPbX3 Perovskite Nanocrystal Assemblies. Nanoscale 2024, 16 (2), 614–623.
    95. Wang, S.; Ashokan, A.; Balendhran, S.; Yan, W.; Johnson, B. C.; Peruzzo, A.; Crozier, K. B.; Mulvaney, P.; Bullock, J. Room Temperature Bias-Selectable, Dual-Band Infrared Detectors Based on Lead Sulfide Colloidal Quantum Dots and Black Phosphorus. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (12), 11771–11782.
    96. Wen, D.; Kirkwood, N.; Mulvaney, P. Synthesis of Size-Tunable Indium Nitride Nanocrystals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023, 14 (15), 3669–3676.
    97. Wen, D.; Ralph, T.; Han, J.; Bradley, S.; Giansiracusa, M. J.; Mitchell, V.; Boskovic, C.; Kirkwood, N. Size and Composition Control of Magnetic Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127 (19), 9164–9172.
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    99. Wu, N.; Kirkwood, N.; Neto, N. S.; Pervin, R.; Mulvaney, P.; Wong, W. W. H. Energy Transfer between CdZnS Quantum Dots and Perylene Diimide Dyes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127 (4), 2116–2126.
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    103. Zhao, B.; Gillan, L. V.; Scully, A. D.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Tan, B.; Lin, X.; Liu, J.; Rietwyk, K. J.; Deng, S.; Bailey, C.; Cheng, Y.; McCamey, D. R.; Bach, U. Enhanced Carrier Diffusion Enables Efficient Back‐Contact Perovskite Photovoltaics. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62 (27).
    104. Zhao, J.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Yan, J.; Sutherland, L. J.; Jasieniak, J.; Lu, J.; Mao, W.; Bach, U. Precursor Engineering of Lead Acetate-Based Precursors for High-Open-Circuit Voltage Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials &amp; Interfaces 2023, 15 (15), 18800–18807.
    105. Zhao, J.; Fürer, S. O.; McMeekin, D. P.; Lin, Q.; Lv, P.; Ma, J.; Tan, W. L.; Wang, C.; Tan, B.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Yin, H.; Scully, A. D.; McNeill, C. R.; Mao, W.; Lu, J.; Cheng, Y.-B.; Bach, U. Efficient and Stable Formamidinium–Caesium Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules from Lead Acetate-Based Precursors. Energy &amp; Environmental Science 2023, 16 (1), 138–147.
    106. Zhao, P.; Subbiah, J.; Zhang, B.; Hutchison, J. A.; Ahluwalia, G.; Mitchell, V.; Ghiggino, K. P.; Jones, D. J. Alkyl Chain Length‐Dependent Amine‐Induced Crystallization for Efficient Interface Passivation of Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2023, 10 (19).
    107. Zhi, R.; Yang, C.-Q.; Rothmann, M. U.; Du, H.-Q.; Jiang, Y.; Xu, Y.-Y.; Yin, Z.-W.; Mo, Y.-P.; Dong, W.; Liang, G.; Bach, U.; Cheng, Y.-B.; Li, W. Direct Observation of Intragrain Defect Elimination in FAPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells by Two-Dimensional PEA2PbI4. ACS Energy Letters 2023, 8 (6), 2620–2629.

Conference Papers

    1. Herink, G.; Heindl, M. B.; Kirkwood, N.; Lauster, T.; Lang, J. A.; Retsch, M.; Mulvaney, P. Ultrafast Imaging of THz-Electric Waveforms via Quantum-Probe Field Microscopy (QFIM). In AI and Optical Data Sciences IV; Kitayama, K., Jalali, B., Eds.; SPIE, 2023.

Book Chapters

    1. Frankcombe, T. J.; Schmidt, T. W. Valence Bond Motifs from Wave Function Tesselation. In Comprehensive Computational Chemistry (First Edition); Yáñez, M., Boyd, R. J., Eds.; Elsevier: Oxford, 2024; pp 652–661.
    2. Vasiliev, M.; Rosenberg, V.; Lyford, J.; Goodfield, D.; Li, C. High-Transparency Clear Glass Windows and Agrivoltaics with Large PV Energy Outputs. In Reducing the Effects of Climate Change Using Building-Integrated and Building-Applied Photovoltaics in the Power Supply; Sayigh, A., Ed.; Innovative Renewable Energy; Springer Nature Switzerland: Cham, 2024; pp 289–313. [Exciton contribution acknowledged in figures].


    1. McCamey, D.; Geng, R.; Pappas, W.; Mena, A. Magnetic Field Sensor. WO2023245255A1, December 28, 2023.
    2. Monash University. Electroactive materials. AU2023901091A0, May 4, 2023.
    3. Monash University, Woodside Energy Technologies Pty Ltd. Solar array. AU2023900815A0, April 6, 2023.